HLP 250 vs HLP 180

Importance of packaging in cigarette manufacturing: –

When it comes to highly perishable items such as cigarettes, packaging plays a critical role. Cigarettes get stale and damp if they lack proper packing. Therefore, cigarette manufacturers invest heavily in getting the most effective packing machines that preserve the freshness of the product. Packing should be such that maintains the aroma, flavor, and overall smoking experience.

Also, as the product flows down the production line, it is important to equip the factories with innovative packing machines that streamline the process and package the manufactured goods in no time.

Particularly in cigarettes, packaging plays an important role as advertising through mass media for cigarettes around the world is banned. Cigarette manufacturers distinguish their brands through packaging. Hence it is quite clear as to why buying cigarette packing machinery is such a critical decision for manufacturers.

What is an HLP 250 hard-packing machine?

HLP 250 hard packing is a game-changer in product packaging. The machine manufactures 250 packs in a minute. It produces the following items:

  •  (filter) cigarettes
  • Cigarillos
  • Filter sticks
  • Combination of tobacco pouch, booklet of paper, and filter sticks

Its precision is exemplary with minimum wastage and error. Cigarette manufacturers ensure consistent quality and enhanced look with HLP 250 hard packing machines. The machines are highly reliable. Built with the highest engineering standards, the machines withstand wear and tear for longer times, rendering an uninterrupted manufacturing process. The machine boasts versatility to allow batch production of different types of cigarettes and packaging. It can make cigarette filters ranging from king-size to super-slim. Be it any type of Inner Liner, HLP-250 makes it all. It excels in making cigarettes with diameters ranging from 5.4mm to 8.2 mm. It covers cigarettes with lengths varying from 69mm to 100mm. When it comes to packaging styles, HLP 250 accomplishes all of the following: –

  • Square Corner
  • Beveled edge
  • Round Corner
  • D-shape
  • Single bundle
  • Double bundle
  • Symmetrical
  • A-symmetrical
  • And customized packs

The machine covers cigarette collation of 2 rows, 10 to 20 cigarettes, and 3 rows, 16 to 25 cigarettes. HLP-250 has earned a decent reputation in the industry as a cost-effective, speedy, and flawless cigarette packing machine.

How is the HLP 180 hard-packing machine different from the HLP 250 machine?

HLP 180 hard packing machine is also a high-speed machine that makes tobacco products. However, it has a speed of 180 packs per minute. Its sleek design makes it one of the most efficient hard-packing machines. It makes cigarettes with lengths between 84mm and 100mm. The circumference measures 24.5mm.

Collation ranges from 7-6-7. The machine consumes a power of 4.5 KW. It manufactures cigarettes of various types including King Size, Super Slim, Cigarillos, Nano, and much more. It also manufactures cigarettes of different packing styles such as Round corners, bevels, and Square corners.

HLP 180 comes under various configurations as per the customer’s requirements. Highly trained professionals design and manufacture the machines. The machine works in union with other cigarette-making machines along the assembly line. These machineries include conveyors, feeders, and fillers to move the product through the production process.

Conclusion: –

Both machines are very useful in the hard packing of cigarettes. Their comprehensive design and operative comfort make them conducive to high proficiency. They enable features such as automatic weight monitoring and error checking to give accurate results. HLP-180 and 250 are commonly used to pack not just cigarettes but other tobacco products as well. These include chewing tobacco and snuff. Cigarette manufacturers give positive feedback about the consistency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of these machines, yielding long-term profitability.

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